Three completed hankies. I make these for myself whenever I find the "right" fabric - a nice light cotton, usually voile. I cut a 12 inch square and narrow hem by hand using slip stitch. I tried to master the rolled hem but I couldn't get the knack of it so I just iron a small hem about 1/4-3/8 inches and double fold as I sew. I try to "embrace the wonky" and not be overly fussy - no fancy mitred corners. The floral fabric I found in my stash, the stripe was a bargain from Spotlight and the spots from fabric-a-brac. Speaking of which, the next fabric-a-brac in Auckland is September 2nd. It's always worth a visit plus the proceeds go to Mercy Hospice.
And the work in progress is another "puerperium" cardigan designed by Kelly Brooker. This is a free pattern available here. So far this little cardigan is going very well - probably because this my second top-down knit and I now know how it works. Top-down is a bit of a mystery first time round.
I like to have a few projects going on at the same time these days. I used to like to start and finish a project before starting something new. Now I prefer things a bit mixed up and go from one thing to another. And, strangely, it seems easier. I think doing many things at once takes the focus off completion and puts it instead on the process. And for me it's really all about the process. I make things because I like the making. How does it work for you? Are you a multi tasker or a starter-finisher?
Reading: Mrs D is going within by Lotta Dann. NZ writer's sort of sequel to Mrs D is going without - her memoir which tells the story of how she quit alcohol (which I haven't read). This second book is about developing coping strategies (other than alcohol) for dealing better with life.
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