Happy new year to you.
This time last year I was thinking about how I could find more time because I never seemed to have enough of it to do the things I thought I wanted to do. So, in September I made one big change and resigned from my job. It's been good. And a bit weird. At times I've felt really happy and at other times a bit lost. But I'm confident that I made the right decision.
And, after reading The life-changing magic of tidying by Marie Kondo, I completely de-cluttered my wardrobe and starting folding things her way. I love that I can open a drawer and see everything in there. And because I now know what I've got, I'm buying less stuff.
I also gave up playing computer games, planted a herb garden, visited Stewart Island, visited White Island, discovered The New Yorker, discovered chia, bought a new sofa that I'm not sure I really like that much, bought boots and a backpack and joined a women's tramping club, recovered from a really bad flu' and won a Christmas hamper raffle.
So, on balance, not a bad result.
How was 2015 for you?
Are you going to make any resolutions for this year?
I haven't decided on any yet. Instead of resolutions you could choose just one word as a sort of guide for the year. I'm not sure if it's for me but having a single focus sounds good.
Favourite book of 2015: The iceberg by Marion Coutts. I got a bit obsessed with her story and went on to read these books written by her husband, Tom Lubbock - Until further notice, I'm alive and Great works: 50 paintings explored.
Favourite music of 2015: Sometimes I sit and think, and sometimes I just sit by Courtney Barnett
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